Our Story

About the mamas...
Hey y’all! I’m Megan. I’m a wife, mother of 3 wild and free kids and owner of Blended Mamas. In 2014, I met Katie Griffin thru our local Moms Club Chapter. We became quick friends and started exploring more holistic options to care for our families. We fell in love with essential oils but immediately became overwhelmed by the options and the price. After lots of discussion, Blended Mamas was born in 2016. We started small with a few roller blends and you can see how we’ve expanded to today. Our intention with Blended Mamas was to take the guess work out of using essential oils. We want it to be easy, accessible and fun! We offer blends for everyone, young and old, and can customize anything you need.
Our website is great for getting a feel of what we offer and also for our out-of-state clients. Locally, we are in a few stores in Commerce and Maysville, Georgia and will be expanding to a few new locations this coming year.
In 2019, Katie made the difficult decision to step back and focus on her photography career. She will forever be a huge part of this company, it wouldn’t exist without her. I’m lucky to have started this business with an amazing woman and I’m lucky to have such a strong tribe supporting me and helping when needed.
Thanks for joining the Blended Mamas family! We’re glad you’re here.